Tuesday 1 September 2015

Forever Alone and Friendless Scenes

You know what's funny? Really funny?
How life screws us over just as we think that we've got it all figured out.
And when life doesn't, we do that ourself.
I started college a month ago.
All through my school years, I'd always struggled to keep #friends. Nopes. I didn't have trouble approaching people. I made friends. In the beginning. Each year. I knew people.People knew me. But come september/ october come three months later, thath fizzled out and I'd find myself friendless. Alone in a crowd. Sure, I wasn't entirely #friendless. I had these 2 or three people I'd talk to. And 10 others I could sit with. But they were not my kind of people.They were boring. And shared 1 plate of food amongst themselves. While that may not really sound like a very big deal, I thought it was rather weird that all 9 of them carried their lunchbox to the canteen when only one person had money.
It seemed kinda cheap, carrying their own food to a place that sold food.
Needless to say, I didn't particularly cherish being seen with them.
On my birthday, I found myslef walking alone because "apparent #bestie" didn't want to take the staircase I preferred even once a year.
I hated school..
I'd always loved to read. But in school, I was compelled to read cos I had no one to talk to. No one I wanted to, anyway. I didn't like it.
Hence, it was with a lot of hope that I started college this year.
"I wouldn't restrict myself to #cliches this year,"I told myself. I would not get too attached to anyone person. But I did
Yet again.
It's been just one month and I realise that maybe some people are not meant to have the kind of circle they'd like.
I, for one, wish for friends who are smart and fun. If only they could be the same people.
I sit with the nerds, I get bored, but I learn in class. And get judged. And when I sit with the fun people, I get bored cos they are all talking amongst themselves and paying exactly ZERO percent attention.Eitherway, I am doomed.

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